Reels & Riddims
Welcome to Reels & Riddims!
Mikelah and Kerry-Ann, two friends and culture enthusiasts, give their eclectic mix of commentary and reviews in world of TV, Film, and Concerts. From dissecting storylines in TV and film that feature Caribbean characters, to the irresistible 'riddims' of the concerts, Reels and Riddims got you covered.
Reels & Riddims
Netflix's "Champion": Dramatic Turns and a Haunting Past in Episodes 4 & 5
Join us as we share every nuanced feeling, unearthing the intentions behind characters like Laurent and Memet.
As we anticipate the Jamaica episode, join us in applauding the character evolution that has been masterfully crafted throughout the series. We're not just wrapping up; we're gearing up for a crescendo of revelations. The journey through the Champion narrative is far from over, and we promise a finale packed with insights and surprises.
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A Breadfruit Media Production
We are live. Welcome to another episode of Reels and Redims. And we are all right. Do your own effects. And we are still talking about the Champion series, because it is a Champion series on Netflix streaming. Now the last couple episodes. We've covered episode one through three and we are getting into episode four. Michaela, what did happen in our episode four, if you like? Episode four was a significant episode, but I remember too much about it more than the end, so why don't you perform it at that? Right? Let me remind everyone you're watching Reels and Redims, brought to you by Carionne Friends in partnership with Style and Vibes and Breadfruit Media, and I'm Carianne and she is Michaela. Michaela, all right, all right. And we are your movie-watching, loving Jamaican girls who are just like a tartleting, like always on TV. Think of us as the people who are chattel the show and you're getting our reaction to what we're watching on TV, all right. So now we can jump to what was episode four about?
Speaker 2:Yeah, so episode four, as you say, it kind of did a bill in the first couple episodes. And here's where we kind of start to see Vida and Bosco as separate people living their own lives and kind of progressing in. Well, I think Vida's progressing, bosco is spiraling. He starts his tour and we start to see the true impact and he doesn't have Vida to lean on as we see his almost like PTSD from being in prison kind of heightened as he's on tour the more shows he does. There is a particular stop in Birmingham where he is able to link up with one of his burjans from prison and they're able to kind of connect. Vida goes into this like creative space. We see her with Lamont a lot more. Yes, lurad, thank you, vida and Lurad kind of getting a little bit closer.
Speaker 1:Matink Lurad too convenient, injust ta-da.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's how he did it. I don't know who. I can't stand more, him or Mehmet. At least Mehmet, have a look at history.
Speaker 1:No, I'm a like Mehmet. Why you not like Mehmet? Come tell me why.
Speaker 2:I think he too conveniently prioritized Bosco, like he, just like I'm, just like Dasheva Vida, just so Like I know I never really liked that. So I'm glad to say as the series progressed, it progressed to it, it did.
Speaker 1:No, I mean, what like what he did? Was that like that before Desana? Yeah, absolutely, what's in the Czech Fjahr? I like? I like they taught him they did Fred. And yeah, muda feels some type of weird. If you're weird upon him for, tell Bosco. But you know, mehmet had me. I said why me I weird upon him for tell Bosco, my brother too, so why we can't tell him to get a type thing. But I think Lurad's personality and his energy is just not what I look for in a partner. Right Him just to eat up. He does did it. I'm like shadow, like everywhere. I'm like, no, you know, but we'll, we'll uncover why later on. So continue to tell your story. You're retelling.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then I think by the end it's where you know Bosco again spiraling, so he gets into an accident with Mehmet's car and at the end you're not sure like what happens, but he ends up being okay and that kind of progresses into episode five.
Speaker 1:No, all right, we have unpack some things in our episode four.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, that's why I'm gonna stop right there, so we can unpack the things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so, um Bosco friend them from prison, right? Is it the hard thing about doing a review show, especially when you binge watch all of them? You are giving your assessment not only based on the current episode but the other episode and why you'll see. And so when we first they, they, they bridge in them from prison, who used to be in prison, your start to let Jesus know, right, um. So I think, right Um. But I like, when he went there and he was reacting to Bula and there was like yo man, calm, like chill, like relax, it's not that serious, bro, you know like even before.
Speaker 2:then, right, I agree with you. I think that the show doesn't take stereotypical progressions that we expect. So when we immediately saw his group of friends, we immediately like, oh no, something bad is gonna happen, because this is how it usually goes down. And when he essentially leaves the show because he has so much anxiety and he said it right, like the space just feels like I feel so enclosed, like I was in a prison cell. And he said it twice. He tried to connect with Honey, I think her name. What do you get? Is it Honey? Vita, best friend with the Pantua, we did Honey.
Speaker 1:I think I'm honey, she knew.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So he tried to connect with her. He ended up trying to kiss her mixed emotions, but she wasn't. She's really just there to progress her career. Mehmet is kind of there to he's a protector and protect him, but from afar. So therefore, like he's almost like the old, like someone over seeing him and making sure, like he's at sound check, he's in the building, so he's his DJ and kind of, but he's not necessarily reading his anxiety levels right when that-.
Speaker 1:He is, but I feel Mehmet is. But Mehmet still carry feelings to the way Basker did deal with him in the studio episodes before, like Basker essentially pushed him away and so in nine feelings, but he's still caring of being friend, because Mehmet is the one that's still a report to Don say yo Imna all right, like he's not all right. So he's keeping his distance emotionally from him as a friend, but he's not keeping his distance in terms of protecting what he thinks is his well-being.
Speaker 2:Yes, that is very true, and so when he leaves and he goes into, it's basically this high rise-.
Speaker 1:It's an apartment building.
Speaker 2:Yeah that, and he goes with his friends typical of what we see in, like you know, the hood part, like buildings in the hood, like that's what it looks like and it's a small apartment and he just needs to escape.
Speaker 2:He goes onto the balcony and his friend comes out. It's only the one friend that he went to prison with, so it sound like it was his cellmate and he he was just like if anybody understands I do, because they were essentially in the same space and then he proceeds to show him how he put it into his music. And I think the interesting part is Vita said the same thing, like put it in your music. But because Vita has this outside view of his prison sentence, whereas his friend has this raw emotion that he exudes while rapping, it's a very different place. So it makes him feel a little bit more comfortable when he eventually does kind of break out of his shell and he's able to kind of like what he did with the freestyle at Bula show and I really enjoyed that progression and I'm really glad that they didn't take the stereotypical oh, he about to get into trouble, yada, yada, yada, cause I too was just like oh no, no, I don't know what's going to happen here.
Speaker 1:To your point on that too. It was just like you relate to somebody who got through the same experience as you and the bridge in clearly got through a serious experience. Cause, in my way, uncle Manita, right, but was able to recognize and even when in a couple episodes back when he interacted with Mehmet but thinking would even want to fight Mehmet but him, just realized that yo, Mehmet, I try to protect you, Right, so it not mean you know bad face, that type away, right, Cause he walk up to Mehmet and smile and like touching paninches and just move right. Like I said, that threw us off. I don't know what he expects it about to come from. That whole alignment with the informer, prison friends, but again, breaking those tropes are like what I really like about the series, and so it's in visiting.
Speaker 1:We're not going to talk about this in a linear way, right? I think we go back to Vita and Laurent. So Vita end up seeing Laurent because Femi, who is Theo's partner, was outside a building and she said come through and check out this set and who in that set? Laurent. And so them start, Avalika, Ting and me. I say yo, you're just like, you're coming like shop, just pop up everywhere, Like you know what I mean, like a whole set up there.
Speaker 1:To the point where I'm like y'all Femi in our things, y'all Femi in our bandoodle things, because I'm like yo. How come you in there?
Speaker 2:sir, even later, so I think in the next episode. So at this point in time, remember, vita is progressing creatively. However, she's not sure of Mark as a manager and so she's asking for advice from Laurent. She even. This is where her and her mom reconnect and the dad was trying to influence the mom to say she needs to be managed by Dawn, because we know Dawn and we all we don't want Dawn. So she's like what do you expect me to do, like you know. So again, even in that connection where she reconnects with Vita, she could have easily just tried to persuade her to try and go with Dawn, but she didn't and she said you know, just secondly, like, sit down and make the best decision for yourself.
Speaker 1:I don't know. You know that I don't know of Farid Arya. It's like I don't know if she because I mean you know Vita was like somebody out there. You give me my food, you give me my best, like what is going on in here.
Speaker 2:She's like mom, like if you got in trouble and y'all try nice something back to your mother, like what do we do? Somebody dead. I love that interaction. It was so good. It was so good.
Speaker 1:Like what is this?
Speaker 2:I couldn't read her either and I think I was starting to maybe see a little bit of glimpse of her. But again, like you said, because I know what happens later, it just feels odd to me now because it's like we'll talk about it a little bit more. But in this particular episode it looks like she's kind of looking out for Vita's best interest and it's her seeing Vita as an independent person, independent of her family, independent of Bosco, independent of her dad, and I'm sure to Vita it feels like her mom is seeing her for the first time.
Speaker 1:It is also in this episode where, if we did have any doubts in episode one, two or three, we are for surety in episode four that Don and Beris in Cahoots and Beris is just hard driving my good gosh man. And I think was it this episode where Don said yo, beris. I went into the account and I saw a couple of withdrawals, easy no. And Beris said, oh, so you come for pocket watch.
Speaker 2:Well, the man is outside painting a mural to himself, and so I would ask questions too. It also begs to question how much does the mom know about Don and the inner workings of Beris's she?
Speaker 1:don't know, she don't know, she don't know, I don't think.
Speaker 1:We just have put it out there, we just have to make it. She don't know. She trusts Beris for everything we have forgot to the bars. We have forgot to the bars. So she trusts Beris for handling everything while she are on the restaurants. So she just thinks, ok, beris have it.
Speaker 1:But this is where we clearly see that Beris is hard driving and she doesn't r Uk. Therefore, sher Don, right. So this is what I also like about the series. Right, it gives you the complexity of humans. Right, because in the first couple episodes, even in Aparata 4, men are like Don.
Speaker 1:But when Don was like yo, barris, mehmet called me and said Basko is not all right, oh, ima go.
Speaker 1:All right, barris just dismiss it Like oh, I'm never all right, that type of thing, whereas Don is really seeing that there's something happening and she had tried like Barris, see.
Speaker 1:So you know, like, in one way you cannot like somebody for a way you think they represent our whole there, or being unfair to a person, but you can see that no, they're a human, they're just complex. They have all of these different behaviors. We're like mmm, it took me a minute of a like here, but me kind of likes it. Yeah, I stand up for him a little bit. So that's the other thing I love about the series, where it's just really not doing a broad brush but really showing the different dimensions within one person which we all have. Right, you may not like somebody for this thing, but them sure a different side and that's why what we kind of see with Don but for sure Barris and Don in our cohort they might teach some money them definitely is bandoolering and basically in our modern day age the most schema and I think for us the hardest story is to see a parent take advantage of their child's talent and their money for their benefit.
Speaker 2:So it's clear that Barris sees and understands that Bosco is in a situation, but he wants to get the most productivity out of him that he can before he latches his hooks into Vita.
Speaker 1:Am I plan for Vita. You see, Am I plan for.
Speaker 2:Vita, but Vita naively kind of dismisses him. She's just like well, why would Don manage me? I don't have no kind of relation with Don. She didn't want to take Don's position. So I meant by that and I mean Don wasn't even in a running to be her manager.
Speaker 1:Not only that, you know the level of conniving that Barris do, because Imaa led a grown work and this is where we see that Barris share Aria video with Vita. And so this is how Aria know that her mother sings and had an album. This is after she and her mother sat down and had a conversation. So Barris, sure this. And she was like how come I never noticed? So again, I thought that was shocking.
Speaker 1:None of the kids didn't know that the mom had this song. It's unclear if the song wasn't released, the video wasn't released, or when they're about to release it, she found out she must have been pregnant or something. So you know the level of secrets. Also, was you know even for this, for the music, because I would expect again, but this is where the show doesn't, you know, follow, you know the stereotype? I thought that you know as a mom who performed or sing, you can say, yeah, I mean the kids them gets it from, but she never alluded to any of that. So the kids are clueless that the mom actually had a career or about to have a career.
Speaker 1:It was unclear by the time we get to this episode and then by the end of this episode, bosco with him friends, the CMM, one from prison and the one from prison. They say yo, bosco, I have one piece of information for you. I'm like, yeah, I say yeah, and what kind of information is this? So Bosco is late for his show in coming, hype with him, combo them from prison. Clearly I am going back into my grandmother wordbog with combo love.
Speaker 2:Wait, the crowd is chanting waiting for him and he, poor Mehmet, up there I try see if they look ashore and and honey, and honey, yeah, yeah. And he just comes on stage, mehmet, just like what is going on here. They came on stage like Wu-Tang Clan.
Speaker 1:That's exactly what it is. They bombarded that stage, they bumrushed the stage and they bottling hand and they champion to the world winners. I'm like, all right, I saw what I do, it's not in a brum, not Birmingham, but brum. And Bula is in the audience, and is Mark in the audience too? I kind of feel like he is.
Speaker 2:I can't recall, but I think he is.
Speaker 1:He's in the audience and towards the end of the performance there was like yo, you know Basko basically reveal what his prison friends say yo information. They find out and they project on the screen and it is Bula in what looks like some kind of uniform, unclear. If our army uniform, and the crowd start reacting and Bula gets upset left and beat up somebody within an inch on end life. And then Mehmet was just like, let's do this, both exit the building and then, in conscience and all, you can't let Basko in there, which is why Migo always-.
Speaker 2:But you still got into a fight.
Speaker 1:But this is why I'm always say you know what? Yeah, and it goes back to what we said in previous episode. Mehmet is his friend first and Vita boyfriend second. That is the problem, and when you're involved with two people who are family, that's a difficult position to be in.
Speaker 2:Yeah, as the kids say, you're not staying on business. He wasn't staying in our business until he was forced to.
Speaker 1:When you're in a different position, you can't stand on that business. When you're in a different position, you can't see what will happen.
Speaker 2:But if you're bold enough to hide and be with your best friend's sister at some point and even Vita is kind of like you know he should have told him. So the fact that he didn't tell him and then just dismissed her because of without even hearing her side, like that to me. I mean, I like him more than Lora, but Popcorn 2.0.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so he goes back in to get Basko and I met Basko having on with Basko going to NKR, start, drive, run him down, happy that they passing just side and we all. This was kind of straightforward, we know. So this was going to happen. They met into a car accident, right? So this is the end of episode 4, going into episode 5. Everybody phone her ring off, ring off, ring, ring, ring off.
Speaker 1:Basically it's them in an accident and Don went to go pick them up and Don, of course, rightfully so, because there are two minorities, because it's unclear, but Mehmet might be Turkish or something like that, I'm not sure, but he's like yo and the highway, but she never call it highway, she call it something else and she'd lecture them and Don brings them home, but Mehmet take the fall, say he was driving and it was his fault, and again we see Don show a different side to her, where Don was like Basko don't even deserve your friendship because you look out for him. You basically throw yourself under the bus where Ariel kind of give Mehmet some face, which I'm not a word, because you was driving and met with a picnic in an accident, right. But this is a turning point.
Speaker 2:That thought didn't even cross her mind.
Speaker 1:It crossed everybody else's mind except for Ariel.
Speaker 2:Except for Ariel, yeah, and Bearish Noah and Imna business, because he's like well, if he's willing to take the fall, then I'm not going to press it, and the issue is, it is what it is.
Speaker 1:This is also where you find. So Vita, who's at that point, hasn't really spoken to Basko since it came out the video Mark played that she write the rhyme Gova dear and Basko starts telling Vita how he feels about what he's been experiencing. But in the middle of that conversation Mark calls and Vita is like you know she has to go and Basko get Bex, and I'm like turn back blowing her nice, right, because you know what. Why are you laughing at?
Speaker 2:me.
Speaker 1:Turn back blowing her nice, because it would have been the same thing that he's done to Vita, just kind of like cut she what she wants to get to something else. But also, by the time Bearish come over, we see and this is where I want to talk about Lennox and Bearish Bearish comes over and Bearish Lennox kind of said to Bearish like you know he's out back, but just kind of take time with him or whatever, and Bearish turn to Lennox and say if him have a boy, then when a boy, then he will understand. That was a clear dig to Lennox, you know, and what I had said before, where Bearish is their biological father but Lennox has parented them in a way that Bearish can't really do or is incapable of doing. The car. Bearish see him. Kids as dollar signs first than and I'm feeling big in seconds, right, and we see Lennox at some level at disrespect. That Me surprised.
Speaker 1:Lennox come from a Jamaican household or parentage, because you know he's also. He's a complete opposite of all the stereotype. When they roll up in our berries, bearish get all of the stereotype, lennox one of them, every single one. Lennox get the other stereotype. So it's like this, this opposite personality, and this is kind of where we truly start to see, like, the cracks in how Lennox is feeling and the difference that everybody gives Bearish and not him, because all Lennox is just here and then even in that conversation as a father, like, like I said, bearish's personality is a hard driving. It's just like yo just pull yourself together, man. Is it? In this episode, bearish and Don have a conversation with Bosco? Because the tour mashup at this point, because a stipulation of the tour was there was no fighting at all, at least that venue, and because Bula beat up the man, then that became an issue.
Speaker 2:So yeah, I think I think it's this episode that we can turn on a member, but, yeah, I think it's this episode that you start to kind of see and understand that he's no longer going to be on tour Because he kind of well, it wasn't really him, so that was a little odd to not that it was his fault, but he was the headliner. So you know how that goes If something happens at your show, you tend to get the blame Even if you're not involved in any way. Or, but not only that, he had the accident. So the fight, probably coupled with the accident, didn't allow him to complete the tour as planned.
Speaker 1:So this is where Don come in and say yo, she ever she have a new, also she have a new money. I come in and a member of parliament said that you know, in want a champion. So the member of parliament get bus come, bus goes like I don't want to do it. You know I'm performing Mary's basically out of time. Say yo where money I come from. So you have to perform. And he gives us lackluster performance at this.
Speaker 2:You know politicians politicians that are sweet 16. Right, he's already on edge with anyone of authority and they thought it was a good idea to have him do a sweet 16, like teeny bopper party, and then to come to find out are they wrong champion?
Speaker 1:And he overhears that this was not the champion the daughter wanted the daughter wanted the father to get Vita. And so in overhearing that basketball breaks down, don is consoling him. I'm very sad, like yo, pull up yourself, man Red. Like I'm like, oh my gosh, you know the like talk about dog hot. Like you know it's just like cool and he's, he's really coming apart at the seams. Basketball, like he's like, it's just like beating after beating after beating he's just taking. And so this is kind of where we see Don kind of switch into the right, something the right.
Speaker 1:Don is switching into something not right. You know, and you know like to see that, like the weird berries that deal with, it is just going to lead to problems.
Speaker 2:Because essentially she's also looking at it like how much money are you going to sacrifice for the sake of your child? Like he's clearly not well physically, mentally, emotionally, and he's exhausted from the work and he's not excited. And you know Barris' solve is to just push on the truth, like we have no other source of income. And it's a different thing when you understand that. But it's not clear to Bosco at all that he is the one providing for his entire family. He thinks he's only providing for his daughter in that sense. But he doesn't really understand that he is the breadwinner for their family and he is the one that is taking care of them. Because he doesn't look at the finances. Apparently he had no idea.
Speaker 1:He has no money, he doesn't have any idea.
Speaker 2:And the first sign of that was when the authorities came and repossessed his things. But he got that advance for the new label. He didn't want, remember, he didn't want to sign, but he did sign and decided to go on tour because they were giving him the advance. So that is what he kind of used to float. So this is like music business 101. You get that advance, you still gotta pay it back. It's just a cash advance, it's not your money until the label truly recruits all of the costs. So they're fronting all of the money for this new collaboration record label subsidiary under their label. So that's Champian Crown. What did you label Niam? Champian Crown.
Speaker 1:Champian Crown, Champian Soul, Champian.
Speaker 2:Champian Crown. You know he's starting his label with his dad paying for the tour. So that set up administration for this record label, imprint the cost to manage his tour and then his dad's media company, like he's like a dish jockey, so he has this radio program that he also does. So clearly, you see, you see Barris' interest. Clearly he has an interest in music and the music business. But you can tell that he's not very experienced and he's just kind of winging it and he's just spending all the money hoping that Bosco makes more money. So that's why he's pushing Bosco to these degrees. And so Dawn is finally realizing, like how much debt do you really have? That you really need to push your child this far? Like he's completely like over it.
Speaker 1:Barris thinks very highly of himself and his competency, his capability. And we just know, say Barris only capable of his shenanigans, of being ignorant, stubborn and sweet talk. You know, that's his capability.
Speaker 2:And everybody recognize it except his family.
Speaker 1:Yes. And so as we switch to Vita, vita's friend, theo comes and asks her to perform at her fashion show, and Vita says that she already booked for something, and then she changes her mind because I guess she had a showcase to perform for her. So she lets Honey go to the showcase and she performs at the friend's fashion show. Where's the dress? Mehmet is there, and so we see Lenox. I say, oh, aria, meggo, carry your someplace Now where Meggo's carry your me, surprise you and anything we say here. So just imagine Elago broke loose. You know things that you're gonna bust off?
Speaker 2:No me never think it would have gone where it got Me never even realized. At this side episode One man me didn't know if we were. I want episode with a pan in her, I want episode.
Speaker 1:No man, we're in episode two. We're in episode five. We're catching four A five. We're in a. No, keep up, keep up what. This is true A lot. Let me tell you this Listen, you're shopping to champion and it's full speed ahead. No breaks, no breaks, no slow down.
Speaker 2:Drive at no stop.
Speaker 1:Full speed ahead. So Vita performs this song that she discovered in episode four that her mom sings, so you know. So her mom fears. And then, additionally, we are like oh my God, I'm so surprised. Like oh my God, she's singing the song for me, only for the mother get up in the miglory fashion show. Her run off throws off Vita. But she finished the song, lennox naturally go after Aria after the whole thing and said what happened?
Speaker 1:Vita come up now and they ask her mother what happened. And she said you have no right, you have no right to sing my song. And Vita, confused, like the what are we? Like mom, I was singing it, I was trying to pay tribute to you. You need to ask me permission. First I was like, oh my gosh, so you're Nico, she jealous our daughter. I'm like me, no know which world that exists cause me. No, you know, like my mother, jealous of me. So Mehmet comes over and I try this. You know, I try dispel everything. Mehmet. Like, keep peace. Mehmet is not confrontational, so I'm gonna try to circle the whole thing.
Speaker 2:He's trying to say like, let's move, because, essentially, the fashion show event is still happening, the show is over, the actual runway show, However, people are still mingling and so, as he is trying to persuade them to go to a different area to finish whatever this tussle is, bosco walks in Hot 10. Hot 10, bosco. And notice, this is where we see Bosco's hair change, this is where he now has the twist, and he so the whole entire, this whole time. He has the straight back cornrows. Evon needs me, said the man here. Ever You're underneath this car, a car or missing, can't know, no hold the maximum hold gel.
Speaker 1:Maximum hold gel.
Speaker 2:We all did this thing just spread and it just neat, neat, neat, neat, neat, neat, neat, neat, neat. And now we see this is how you can, that's how, like those symbols of change are happening. So he changes his stuff, so he twists it and then he pulls the front back and then he has his, his two string twists like to his shoulders. So he's coming in with a new energy, trying to shake off the bad vibes and Surprises sister, because he knows that she's performing and he doesn't know about the song. He doesn't know that Mehmet is there. He's, he's really just going to show support for Vita. And he comes into this Hustle and he sees Mehmet in a mother fiasco and I'm like my cough, you. He's like what do you mean? And then Mehmet all of a sudden confesses his love For me. I love her. Like what? That wasn't even the right time.
Speaker 1:Mehmet. No, it was the right time, because he was like what, what's, what's going on with the book?
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, yeah, because boss will put it in the icon and say what's going on with you too. That's when it became obvious to him.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and so Everybody there to watch the Tory unfold, which is which would be my embarrassment, like Lord, we can't just move inside and now make people see the business, but do who let the business out a road, which is what Mehmet was trying to avoid. And so Vita Mehmet got outside. Now I steer KS Q to some footprints coming down this step. It's Laura, tada, like blink, just blink. And he appears right, and so she was like no, I can't do, this is just like you said.
Speaker 2:She uses his own words to say no, you're right, this is not going to work and she walk off with Laura and two words, it's teary-eyed because he he just said he loved her out loud and he confessed and he's just like, yeah, we can just be together. Now, all of a sudden, and she's just like, no, I'm sorry, I've moved on. Q la rock. Have I ready la rock?
Speaker 1:Yeah, but I'm Going leave la rock until later. And so at the end of the episode Baris gets a call, sissy is on the the number and by the time we get to the episode His father in Jamaica died. So everybody on their way back home. Various is out front, of course. Lennox gone into the house, I'm Mr Lennox, if you know. Look through the window, look what what I saw me saying of, because May I say I some big disrespect, lennox, I get at this point, but you want to see what may watch on me more. Push up because you can. This Lennox, lennox, a good, good man, you know some me. I say they help you a cooker, them thing there.
Speaker 2:So anyway, invite it over when we call it again Cooker. The cooker. Yes, and I know she never spun to me in proposal.
Speaker 1:You know, I said young girl on the road a big paper pose and this big woman have proposed I, like you, are not accepting anyway, so we later kind of can make what one conclusion. Why? But he goes inside, but I look through the window, not in a peeping time we're butting, just move the curtain. Fissile are gone, and at the time he moves the curtain area they all got berries because the father dead and berries goes in big. Consider your champion too. I was just like wait, so then I'm married. No, no, that's is the question I asked me. If he considers you are married, no, the way he said he considers you a champion, it makes me feel like I thought they were married. You know are, are. Is he saying that even after the divorce the father still considers her a champion?
Speaker 2:That's what I gathered from that up for interpretation.
Speaker 1:So so she say so. Berries said to him not even ask you come a Jamaica with me too. And I'm just like Listen what? And? And she didn't push back. She goes then into the house and tell Linux that she's going To. She's going to the funeral, she's like with a funeral we're over there in Jamaica, and he looks like I had no new one. I sat there, man, it looked like my girl, what, and you know it's at that point in realizing, oh, a big disrespect. This Madonna, me, can do this kind of thing and she does look like Whatever, which tells me they might have had this discussion before, which she now, and take it seriously, he'll be fine.
Speaker 1:And this is this, the episode end, because the next episode is the Jamaica episode where things get nice. So we're gonna end right here because there's more champions to come on the mitzvah. Just how am I gonna kind of stop out the whole thing and I want to episode. There's too much, it's too much. Let me tell you, big ups again to the music supervisor, to the writers of each episode. You Said in a previous episode, like each episode is like More character development. I think we saw more of dawn and different sides to dawn in this episode. I mean just fantastic, just like keep you engaged and energized this whole time so we just really enjoy the show. We hope you've caught up and Come back because we're gonna try work for the next episode, the last episode to wrap up, or discussion on champion, any last words, micaela?
Speaker 2:Man, lots of one and lots to come. I saw Mickey.
Speaker 1:I said All right, so until next time, walk good, and we soon come.